15 Best Marketing Blogs That You MUST Read Today
Becoming a successful marketer isn’t as easy of a task as it may seem to be. This is why it is of prime importance to make sure that you are keeping in touch with the news, tips, and tricks of the world of marketing in order to make sure that you are not missing on something.
If you happen to be someone who would like to stay in touch with the new, established, and proven techniques of marketing, then it is essential that you are following a few of the prominent marketing blogs. Taking this into consideration, we have mentioned a few of the prominent blogs of marketing for your convenience.
If you are into marketing, following Hub Spot is an absolute must. The amount of useful content for marketers that they put up on regular basis is amazing to say the least. It does also happen to be the only place that provides you with a yearly report regarding inbound marketing that can be considered authentic.
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Since Janet Choi, the market behind the blog is one of the most reliable marketing blogger throughout the world, everything that she puts up on her blog is of value. With an element of entertainment, humor, professionalism and psychology in her blog posts, you are going to fall in love with this blog.
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Customer IO
It is indispensable to mention here that Buffer fails to come up with any kind of an advertising budget. In order to present their marketing efforts, they have to rely completely on the content that they put up on their blog. And this is what inspires them to produce the finest content for marketers throughout the world.
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Fast Company:-
There is no argument over the fact that Fast Company fails to hit the mark at all times. However, when they do, the depth and journalistic experience that you are going to get regarding the news is unparalleled to say the least.
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Fast Company
If you are a content marketer, you may be familiar of the difficulty that you face while looking for useful and original content on the blogs. If so, CoSchedule is going to be a commendable option for you. Since they are familiar that they are talking to the content managers and marketers, there blog posts seem to be more personal.
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Ryan Holiday:-
With an experience of working as a marketing director of American Apparel, having written three different books on marketing in three years only, and heading an agency with clients from all over the world, it won’t be wrong to state that Ryan Holiday is an authentic and reliable marketer who does have a lot to teach us via his blog.
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Ryan Holiday
Harvard Business Review:-
One of the major benefits of using Harvard Business Review is that everything that they put up has been researched, tested, and proven. In other words, if you are looking for hard data, Harvard Business Review is going to be a suitable option for you.
<img decoding="async" class="wp-image-1302 size-large" src="https://discoversoon.test/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Harvard-Business-Review-1024x474.png" alt="Harvard Business Review" width="618" height="286" />
Harvard Business Review
If you are looking for Search Engine Marketing, you are not going to get anything better than SEMrush. The blog is meant for people who are actually looking forward to learn and implement the techniques of Search Engine Marketing in order to witness the results. With the ranking system for articles, it really is a fast and smart publication.
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If you are looking for reliable digital data, eConsultancy is certainly not going to disappoint you. The blog makes a promise of delivering the marketing news in the form of a daily pulse and it keeps its promise in an impeccable fashion.
<img decoding="async" class="wp-image-1304 size-large" src="https://discoversoon.test/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Econsultancy-1024x463.png" alt="Econsultancy" width="618" height="279" />
Asana Workstyle Series:-
The aforementioned blog certainly happens to be the one that a range of companies are making use of already. If you are into partner branding, not only does it provide a valuable case study, but it does also inform you about the ways, tips and tricks that you can implement in order to improve your workflow.
<img decoding="async" class="wp-image-1305 size-large" src="https://discoversoon.test/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Asana-Workstyle-Blog-1024x463.png" alt="Asana Workstyle Blog" width="618" height="279" />
Asana Workstyle Blog
Sales Force:-
It is to be kept in mind at all times that Sales Force doesn’t have its primary focus on the content related to marketing. However, every now and then, they do put up content that is highly interactive and informative and may come in handy if you are into marketing.
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Sales Force
Venture Beat:-
It is of prime importance for someone belonging to marketing, innovation, or startup sector to keep a good idea on the trends of the world of marketing. The job will be made exceptionally convenient for you if you have decided to follow Venture Beat.
<img decoding="async" class="wp-image-1312 size-large" src="https://discoversoon.test/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Venture-Beat-1024x399.png" alt="Venture Beat" width="618" height="241" />
Venture Beat
Since they have an automation software to offer as well, Drip should be your one stop shop if you are into marketing automation. You’ll find multiple different useful guides on the blog which accentuate how does the marketing automation works and how to make use of it in the first place.
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OK Dork:-
The blog belongs to a famous entrepreneur Noah Kagan who makes sure that all of his content on the blog is valuable, reliable, and based on his personal, real experiences. For instance, there was a time when he was losing around a hundred thousand dollars per day, and he actually wrote about it on his blog. The transparency in his content is what provides the finest and the most informative case studies for the marketers from all over the world.
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Neil Patel:-
Hardly do you get to find a list of must-follow marketing blogs that doesn’t accentuate the name of KISSmetrics cofounder, Mr. Neil Patel. The reason being the content generated by the guy being not only useful but actionable as well.
<img decoding="async" class="wp-image-1316 size-large" src="https://discoversoon.test/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Neil-Patel-1024x479.png" alt="Neil Patel" width="618" height="289" />
Neil Patel
Now that you are aware of a few of the prominent marketing blogs, all you have to do is visit them and follow in order to be informed about the world of marketing.
The content that you are going to find on the above-mentioned blogs is more than sufficient for your personal learning and growth to say the least. So what are you waiting for? Visit the blogs now and start following.